The Artist Archivist
Creative Practitioner; Professional Archivist; Digital content creator & heritage advocate.
About The Archivist
Hello, I am Peter! Professional artist and freelance archivist.
As a digital content creator specializing in creating hybrid outreach & digital advocacy programs. My work strengthens the public portfolios pertaining to University, corporate / small business and community archive heritage. Enabling an equality of access to knowledge assets for multiple learning styles & diverse cultural perspectives.
Eight years an archivist operating within University & local government institutions. My experience is weighted towards the appraisal & cataloguing of knowledge assets. Constructing access to the records through finding aids compliant with international metadata standards. Whilst activating informational value for educational & community benefit through operating hybrid digital creative advocacy programs.
Archives & Records Management MSc, University of Glasgow.
Selected Employment History:
Archivist, Berea College, Kentucky, USA.
Senior Archivist leading the University of Gloucestershire (England) archive operations.
Archivist based at the University of Glasgow (Scotland). Specializing in appraising & cataloguing collections retained within the University academic records and Scottish Business, Brewery, Theatre archives.
Freelance archivist consultancy for small emerging business seeking to enhance & maintain record management procedures and constructing secure business knowledge assets (archive).
University Lecturing & Adult Education:
Our journey leads discussion concerning ethical & moral behaviors within the information age. Using archive, record management principles applied to the sphere of the performing arts. Students are challenged to question the ethics pertaining to data confidentiality, retaining & construction informational value through record collecting practices.
Ideally suited for students seeking to become a leader within their field. Coaching and education received enhances critical thinking ability; as well as exposure to an array of knowledge retained within internationally based culturally diverse archive collections.
Selected Art Exhibition History:
Disappearing Narratives, on-going workshop series, 2016-present.
Artist Archivist Residency, University of Gloucestershire Archive & Special Collections, 2020.
Deconstructing Records, Explore Your Archive online exhibition, 2019.